Understanding Discharge Regulations Reduces Stress for Social Service Staff in Nursing Homes
Pressure in the workplace is never fun to deal with, and with the increased scrutiny that Skilled Nursing Facilities are receiving, especially where the discharge planning process is concerned, there is even more pressure and stress facing social service staff.
The discharge planning process can be overwhelming and it’s no surprise that coupled with the pressure and stress, job satisfaction is falling, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
I’ve created this blog series to help social service staff get to grips with the regulations that surround the discharge planning process and their requirements. Using scenarios you may have come across in your day-to-day work, I have applied different aspects of different regulations to help you understand how they apply so that you can use the knowledge I have to share in a practical setting.
It’s easy to find yourself lost amongst all these regulations, but with these blogs, I hope that you’ll be able to better understand what is required, when the regulations apply and that this will result in a lot less pressure and stress in your workplace.
If you’re interested in learning more about implementing the steps outlined in this blog series, then you can sign up for one of my online courses. Brought to you by SSD Online Training, all the courses are coordinated and provided by me, Jody Giac. I have successfully navigated the discharge regulations and the discharge planning process in order to bring you these courses packed with a wealth of information and my experience.